St. Catherine School

Caring for the Vulnerable


Our proposed residency with Trickster Theater Company will explore the theme “Caring for the Vulnerable” ~ a celebration of stewardship, compassion, belonging and the power of love. We are raising our children in a competitive world that is often hyper focused on production and achievement. This theme will allow students to delve into the gifts that come from embracing the vulnerable, such as love, belonging, joy, courage, accountability, empathy and creativity. When communities recognize and embrace the needs of the vulnerable we become transformed. We become more fully human. Through vulnerability we are able to teach our children that we are all vulnerable and we are all important. We hope to cultivate a culture of care. We eagerly anticipate building a dramatic learning exploration that empowers children to build a
web of connectivity. As they consider what and who are most vulnerable in our world they will explore curricular links, weigh out environmental needs, consider global dilemmas, and debate concepts of justice and equity. They will have the opportunity to learn various cultural perspectives and grapple with the lessons that every unique perspective has to offer. They will also connect with the leaders of our time, the stories of hope and empathy that will inspire a new generation with the knowledge that when we embrace our most vulnerable, we embrace the most beautiful part of ourselves.

450 Students participating